Upping Your Summer Fun & Refreshment

Joy, not grit, is the hallmark of holy obedience. We need to be light-hearted in what we do to avoid taking ourselves too seriously. It is a cheerful revolt against self and pride.
— Richard Foster

While the soul thrives in service and sacrifice, it’s also fed by pauses and special moments of delight; moments that we can usually find more of in the summer months. As you look to feed your soul with prayer, fun and rest between now and September, we invite you to try out some of what we’ve listed below. We really think these resources will help you make the most out of this unique time. We believe churches thrive when pastors are healthy - leading out of love, joy and a deep place of abiding. And we’re praying the Lord leads you to such a place in the remaining time you have in these (hopefully) sunny weeks.


Consider Reading

That Sounds Fun - Annie F. Downs

We know there are certain things we must have to survive - food, shelter, and safety to name a few. But there are also aspects of life that truly allow us to be joyful and fulfilled. Few would argue that having fun doesn't enrich our lives, but so much gets in the way of prioritizing it. Give Annie’s book a read if you’re looking to find more ways to give fun some space in your life.

Every Moment Holy: New Liturgies for the Ordinary Events of Daily Life - Douglas Kaine McKelvey

"This book of liturgies has been a daily field guide over the past two years. It captures the spirit of celebration, lament, gratitude, and perseverance when my heart cannot find words. Each morning I wake encouraged and strengthened to begin anew." - Rebekah Lyons

Liturgy of the Ordinary - Tish Harrison Warren

In the overlooked moments and routines of our day, we can become aware of God's presence in surprising ways. How do we embrace the sacred in the ordinary and the ordinary in the sacred? This book won Christianity Today’s Book of the Year in 2018. 

“Liturgies aim our love to different ends precisely by training our hearts through our bodies.”

― James K.A. Smith


Read This

2 MINUTE READ: 5 Ways to Relax - Rick Warren

As ministry leaders, we approach each day with passion because we’re participating in the beautiful work of joining God in drawing all people to Himself. But the fact is, there will always be more work to do in ministry, and that’s why we must deliberately take time away from work.


25 MINUTE READ: Sabbaticals for Ministers - Focus on the Family 

Don’t be put off by the design of this PDF - this is gold. This 20 page guide gives a compelling case for the benefit of sabbaticals and how pastors, boards, and congregations can make them possible. Especially after the Pandemic, many pastors are taking sabbaticals to be refreshed before their next season of ministry. This guide could help you plan and prepare for the sabbatical you might need.



Pastoral Care: Resources for Funerals, Hospital Visits & Ministry to Those Grieving


Learning from Saints & Sages