Collaboration, Partnership, and Working Together


One of our deepest values is believing that humble collaboration and creative partnerships are key to the future of the Canadian Church. We can’t do this on our own. 

Reaching young people, serving the poor, theological education, stewarding buildings, planting churches, all of it is too big of a task for us to tackle alone. So how might we work together in unity, as Jesus prayed in John 17, to bring the gospel to our nation?

How can churches work together to reach diverse language groups? 

How can youth pastors collaborate on gatherings, training, and evangelism efforts?

How can denominations plant churches with limited resources?

How can pastors maximize the impacts of justice and generosity in their city?

And how can we do these things while honouring one another, and also our own convictions and callings? 

Is it worth the effort to work together? We think so. 

Below are a handful of thoughtfully curated resources to help us as pastors do this together, in love, so that the world may know Jesus

  1. Options increase. Potential for action expands.

  2. Achievement of goals accelerates, costs decrease, and redundancy is eliminated. 

  3. Individuals and ministries are able to capitalize on their strengths.

  4. The bigger picture comes into focus.

  5. Flexibility increases. 

  6. Risks diminish. 

  7. God’s power is released in a special way.

  8. We receive refreshment and new hope. 

  9. Our work gains significant credibility.

Read about each of these in more detail, along with other ideas for next steps to start collaborative initiatives here.


Books on Collaboration & Partnership

Well Connected: Releasing Power, Restoring Hope through Kingdom Partnerships - Phill Butler

  • One of the most comprehensive books on a vision, biblical basis for, and practicalities of partnership. 

Churches Partnering Together: Biblical Strategies for Fellowship, Evangelism, and Compassion - Chris Bruno and Matt Dirks

  • A more accessible and local church-focused view of partnering together. 

Together for the City: How Collaborative Church Planting Leads to Citywide Movements - Neil Powell and John James 

  • A practical guide to citywide efforts to plant churches and train pastors based on the learnings of 2020 Birmingham.  

Looking For More? This is one of the best lists with dozens of Christian articles, books, websites, & videos around collaboration:

A Closing Thought

“Collaboration built on love, unity, and diversity, is so much more than a strategy for ministry success. It is the expression of God’s heart and nature. Co-labouring in loving diversity, unity with God and each other is how we rise to the scale of the challenges that God has given us.”

-Daniel Dow 


Understanding When We Are