Mark Buchanan on Pastoring Others Without Losing Your Soul, Growing Deep Over Fast, and Telling Gospel-Shaped Stories

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We would all say that our character matters more than our gifting.

But if we are honest with ourselves, sometimes it is easier to lean on our gifting instead of pastoring out of dependence on Christ.

How do we walk this out over a lifetime of ministry? And what happens to our soul when what we preach doesn’t feel true of our own discipleship?

Looking back on a lifetime of ministry, Mark Buchanan shares with us about times he has wrestled with these questions and what’s helped him get back on track when he starts to feel drift in his soul.

Listen to the conversation to hear Mark share on Pastoring Others Without Losing Your Soul, Growing Deep Over Fast, and Telling Gospel-Shaped Stories.

Mark is a compelling picture of a faithfully serving the Church with humility and dependence on Christ. We are so encouraged by an up-close look at a life marked by deep-rootedness and a love for God that works its way out into all that he does. 

We hope this conversation can serve you well as you seek to love Jesus more with each year of ministry than the last.

Mark Buchanan

Mark is an author, Associate Professor of Theology at Ambrose University in Calgary, Alberta, and former pastor. His books include “God Walk: Moving at the Speed of Your Soul” and the ever-popular “The Rest of God.” He regularly contributes to the Leadership Journal and Christianity Today.


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