Leading Others Through Change


“There are only two times people change: when they have to and when they want to. A good leader helps others want to change.” - Craig Groeschel

Leading change is a significant part of ministry and pastoring, but rarely have we had seasons like this past one - where change was necessary, relationally more difficult and brewing with opportunity. We all need to learn humble yet bold ways to lead people through change, whether that change looks like shifting your church between in-person and online expressions, casting new vision and values, navigating a merger, or changing your small group model. 

With empathy and compassion, can we take our communities to where God is calling us and navigate the logistical and relational nuances?

Leading change isn’t always easy, so thank you for faithfully following God’s leading of your church. Our hope is that the following resources can sharpen your ability to effectively lead change in this season and throughout your life in ministry.

FREE EBOOK - John Kotter's 8-Step Process For Leading Changing

John Kotter’s book Leading Change is widely recognized as the seminal work in the field of organizational change. Check out this free summary ebook containing a clear 8 step process you can implement for change in your organization.

Step 1:
 Create A Sense of Urgency - Your top leaders must describe an opportunity that will appeal to individuals’ heads &

Step 2: Build A Guiding Coalition - Without a Guiding Coalition, the organization will continue to rely on traditional, hierarchical ways of operating which often act in ways that kill off, rather than accelerate, needed change.

Step 3: Form A Strategic Vision & Initiatives - Dr. Kotter defines strategic initiatives as targeted and coordinated activities that, if
designed and executed fast enough and well enough, will make your vision a reality.

5 Ways God’s Word Must Be A Part Of Leading Change

Leadership and management tools or frameworks are valuable, but what does it mean to first be rooted in the Bible as we initiate and lead change as God’s servants? Take a look at the 5 different ways God’s Word can shape our hearts to better reflect Christ as we bring about change.

Curated Content For You

The Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast

Craig Groeschel shares his tried wisdom on how to embrace external change affecting your organization and internal change you or others have initiated. Understand how to better think about change so that you can effectively lead and embrace it.

Part One: The greatest threat to future success is current success. In this episode, Craig discusses the first of three ways to embrace change.

Part Two: Craig discusses two more ways to embrace change. When you change the questions you're asking, you change the way you're thinking.

Recommended Reading

Based on conversations with thousands of pastors, combined with on-the-ground research from more than 50,000 churches, Thom S. Rainer, Former president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources, shares a roadmap to leading change in your church. Think of it like the “church version” of Kotter’s work on organizational change!

“I deeply appreciate the way that Rainer starts with prayer and makes the process of leading change easy to understand and implement for church leaders. He contextualizes principles and shares the nuances of change management that are unique to the church.” 

-Daniel Im, Lead Pastor, Beulah Alliance Church & Pastoral Advisor for CCLN


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